Variations to body, space, and sub-bass system

Explores the relationship that deaf people can establish with the sound and the vibration.
The first lab is carried out with volunteers from the Association of Deaf people of Cochabamba, the final part presents the third edition of Sonandes: biennial of sound art. With the support of various institutions and international recognition is performed by the laboratories in the cities of La Paz, Medellín, Buenos Aires, valparaiso, chile and Montevideo, bringing together diverse communities of deaf people in each city.
Research in body space and vibration
5 countries: Colombia, Bolivia, Buenos Aires, Chile  and Uruguay
6 Laboratories


Strategies of remote contact

The pandemic forces our bodies and territories to live up to them from the virtual, cuartando, where possible, the interaction in the physical plane. It unfolds a new doctrine of control of the body, which forces us to the social distancing and paradoxically gives us the overcrowding in the private sphere. Pushes us to virtual life by the fear of death material, these tensions between materiality and virtuality have been implemented in a radical way at the global level. However, in Latin America we live a modernity dislocated that makes it hard to imagine a virtuality of all the bodies and spaces.
Research on narratives online immersive
8 projects bolivians, 1 project Chilean, 1 project, Argentine, 1 seminar at the Cinemateca de Bogotá, 1 seminary in the Master of Uarte, Navarra.
17 speeches sound.


Stories of the listener

From Babel,
We understand in theory the principles of the policy of cultural plurality, but are difficult to apply when you are recording paths so quick in the migration, in the transformations of the economy and information technology.
The goal is to treat with the will of equality of all the languages involved in a given domain, without hierarchies, without fighting each other. So that is, each language needs its environment, its living space. A special interest in checking to see how the new technologies added a new dimension to the space.The policy of linguistic diversity plays its success precisely in the form in which it is managed within the digital world, since it is she who causes the interest and commitment of the young generations of the country and know that there is a language capable of surviving without the support and enthusiasm of youth.
Globalization leads to a myriad of threats to linguistic diversity, in parallel to these threats and dangers, this  globalized world provides us with endless opportunities to protect and strengthen this diversity, including some of the never before abíamos willing. When a language ceases to be spoken or used and is replaced by another, nothing-not even the grammar texts and dictionaries of it may be -can you do it will come back.
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