
or the wisdom of collective listening

Listening forms a cornerstone of knowledge


management among Amazonian peoples, deeply rooted in our worldview. In the absence of written systems, oral transmission and auditory perception have been the primary vehicles for preserving and disseminating ancestral knowledge. However, it is crucial to emphasize that listening transcends the merely auditory realm, constituting a philosophical practice that fosters the expansion of consciousness. Through listening, a dynamic connection is established with oneself and the collective is strengthened, understood in its broadest dimension: human, non-human, and more-than-human.

Amazonian peoples, characterized by an animistic worldview,

establish intrinsic and respectful relationships with all elements of our environment, conceived as manifestations of a universal energy. This perspective fosters reciprocity and horizontality in our interactions with the other.
Our worldview is grounded in the practice of mutual care, a philosophy of life that promotes the expansion of our affective and caregiving bonds beyond the human sphere. By considering elements such as water, mountains, plants, and animals as part of our extended family, we cultivate an ethos of interdependence and co-evolution. This perspective positions sustainability as a daily practice that transcends the merely ecological, encompassing a deep emotional care for the community. The health of our environment, exemplified by the purity of water, is conceived as intrinsically linked to our own health and well-being.
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